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Helping women embrace their individuality, value their self-worth, and discover their dreams.


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January 19, 2012

Up, Up, and Away


I had the opportunity to cross an item off my bucket list.

Ride on a hot air balloon

I would have been able to do this sooner, when I was in high school which was (ah em) years ago. I do not regret that I let this slip through my fingers. Instead, I am more enlighten and appreciate that I was able to do this with a great friend and wonderful sister. A coffee drink, funnel cake, and a giant corn dog later, we waited over two hours for our short-lived experience, but it was worth it!

Life is all about dream living. I found a bucket list, I wrote years ago of things I plan to do before my last day on this precious Earth:
Swim with dolphins
Visit NY and see the Statue of Liberty
See the Eiffel Tower
Have a closet just for my shoes ♥
Touch the ocean
....just to name a few.
From my little adventure, I thought just because I am from a small town, doesn't mean my dreams have to be. "It's not where you come from, it's where you're going." Happy dream living my sassy followers.

Until next time,

Here's to always being your B.E.S.T!

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