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Helping women embrace their individuality, value their self-worth, and discover their dreams.


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January 15, 2012

Friendly reminder

Note to self: Take a deep breath (sigh) and...


In the midst of everything I have to do everyday, sometimes I forget to just be happy. Last week, I was more tired than usual. An awful side effect from thinking too much.  I just need to be happy for the moment, instead of always worrying about the unknown.

We are the main characters in our lives. We must live in the present, worry less about tomorrow. Stop rushing to the next objective and take time to appreciate all the non-tangibles. 

I plan to be active in every aspect of my life. Use my planner more as a guide and be more flexible. I hope this week brings you closer to your weekly aspirations. Have a wonderful week!

Don't worry, be happy.

Until next time,

Here's to always being your B.E.S.T!

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