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July 15, 2012

Sassy Sunday inspiration

turns out not where, but who you're with that really matters.
This couldn't be more true for my day. I was off to church for my weekly time of worship and peace with a granola bar in my belly along with some creamy, homemade coffee. After that, it was off to buy art supplies for my little sister to make our first scrapbook together. 

Yep, can you believe it! I've been a big sister for a year for the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. (Read, "I'm a big sister now!" post here) Truly an amazing journey I have had being apart of a younger person's life.

I may live in a small city, and have the ability to travel to more lavish places, but in the end where would I really be if my relationships are shallow?

I'm an avid candidate for independence, but sometimes it's nice to know in a world filled with so many people and things, that we're not alone. 

"Wherever you are - be all there." -Jim Elliot

Have a peaceful journey this week my friends.

Until next time,

Here's to always being your B.E.S.T!

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