Mission Statement

Helping women embrace their individuality, value their self-worth, and discover their dreams.


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April 22, 2012

Sassy Sunday

Be Fashionable
Embrace Individuality
Stay Classy
Treat Yourself

Be Fashionable
(professional + sweet)
Be dainty and professional at the same time.

Embrace Individuality

I ♥ me. 
Even identical twins don't have the same fingerprints. Find satisfaction in being yourself.

Stay Classy

"If you don't have anything nice to say, 
don't say anything at all." 

There are a lot critics in the world. People on the sidelines ready to point out the faults of others in order to  ignore their own. Don't be a critic, be someone's breath of fresh air. Congratulate them on their successes and be humble with yours.

Treat Yourself

To sitting under a tree with a paperback book, and a cold ice tea. Lovely moments start with appreciating the world around us.

Until next time,

Here's to always being your B.E.S.T!

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